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Martin Olivier

Member Type: member/Full

Martin Olivier
The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Email: (no permission to view this data)

Research Interests: Evasion of Immune Response, Exosome and Extracellular Vesicles in Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Macrophage, Leishmania, Malaria, Infectious Diseases, Signalling, Inflammation

Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Global Health (IDIGH) Program, Research Institute of McGill University Health Centre,
1001 Boul Décarie, Glen site, IDIGH Program mail drop point: EM3.3211,
Montreal, QC
Canada H4A 3J1

TEL: 5149341934 ext 76291
MOBILE: 5148986599

E-mail: martin.olivier@mcgill.ca

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