2019 Scientific Meeting - Abstract & Poster
Abstract/Poster and Workshop Details:
Below is a confirmed list of the submitted abstracts as well as workshop presenters:
Abstract/Poster Listing
Workshop Presentations
NOTE: You will still be presenting your abstract during the poster session, even if you are speaking in one of the workshops.
Meeting Posters:
All registrants are invited to submit an abstract for the poster sessions at the CSI meeting, April 12 - 15, 2019 in Banff, AB. Note: all submitted abstracts are accepted for a poster presentation during the poster sessions.
Poster Awards:
Awards for the best posters presented by student members of CSI are presented at the conference. Please indicate your wish to have your abstract considered for a poster award during your abstract submission online. Note: only student members are eligible for poster awards and only one poster may be selected for judging.
In order to prepare a winning poster you might use the following guidelines:
- You are a member of CSI and have paid your dues for at least 2019.
- Your supervisor is also a current member of CSI and remind him/her that to get a poster award he/she must also be a paid member of CSI.
- Prepare a poster as if you were going to an international meeting. Indicate your name and that of your supervisor and of everyone else who contributed significantly to the work presented (supporting you morally by making jokes or drinking together over the miseries of experimental science does not qualify your best buddies as co-authors). The work presented should be mostly yours. Also tell us which department, hospital, institution and city you come from.
- Present the data in a clear and professional fashion, so that the reader should be able to understand easily your rationale, data and conclusions. Check your spelling so that the English or French is clear and concise.
A panel of judges will review the posters and will try to identify the most novel, challenging, original and well executed ones.
Notes for the preparation of Posters:
The dimensions of the poster should not exceed 3' 5" (w) by 4' (h). Push pins will be provided.
Criteria for Poster Judging:
- Below are the criteria that will be used in the poster judging competition:
- Student presenters will have a maximum of 10 minutes with the judges during which time they should give a concise presentation of their work to the judge or judges (3-4 minutes maximum) which will be followed by 6-7 minutes of questions about the work.
- In round one, each poster will be viewed by only one judge, randomly selected, but not from their institute. Each judge views 5 posters.
- Judges confer and select one of the viewed posters for round 2. In case a judge can't decide, a second judge may be sent to view two closely ranked posters.
- Students need to be available in case they are selected for round 2 (Posters will be identified soon after the end of round one with post it notes).
- During round 2, posters selected in round 1 will be viewed twice, by two pairs of judges, again for 10 minutes each as outlined above and given a score. Prizes will be awarded based on overall score from the 4 judges in round 2.
- In some cases, judges will again need to go back to posters to re-evaluate two closely ranked posters. Therefore, students are asked to keep close to their posters for the duration of the judging process and may be asked to present 3 or even 4 times.
- Posters are judged on scientific excellence, ability of student to present and answer questions, scope of research, taking into consideration the length of time in the program and the proportion of research contributed directly by the student.